Abstracts should not exceed one page; and should contain subject, purpose and importance of the research, used methods, data collection techniques and the findings.
Download the Abstract Template.
Please upload your abstract using the template.
Poster Preparation RulesThe size of the poster must be 70 cm (width) x 100 cm (height).
The font size should be large enough to be read from a distance of 1 m.
The authors’ name should be written under the abstract title and the name of the person who will present the abstract should be underlined.
Poster abstracts, Poster Presentations, and short oral presentations will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
The top three successful posters will be awarded. First three will receive “1st, 2nd and 3rd best poster” award and others will receive “best ten poster” certificate. The awards will be presented at the closing ceremony.
Short Oral Presentation is a new presentation technique that has been implemented in many international conferences. Presentations to be presented in this way will be displayed as “posters” during poster sessions, discussed with the audience and will be presented orally at a time determined by the congress committee. These presenters will receive a “verbal presentation certificate”. Duration of the short oral presentations will be announced later.
A significant number of participants are expected from the industry to the congress, which will serve an environment for introduction of academic research studies and innovative ideas to the pharmaceutical industry, as well as for the development of joint projects between universities and the pharmaceutical industry. For this reason, such posters should be prepared and visualized in a clear and easily understandable way.
Please read the Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation before preparing your poster.